Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is seeking eligible home rehab Licensed and Certified Contractors with the State of Tennessee to rehab homes within Upper Cumberland Region. Three (3) Homes (are post 1978 and therefore lead base paint free) to be rehabbed are located in the City of Cookeville, Putnam and White County TN.
Contractor will meet and agree to timeline set forth by Grant Administrator (UCDD) and will comply with ICC Codes and inspection guidelines set forth in the bid packet in regards to appropriate category.
Walk-Through is scheduled for January 3rd, 2017 at 10:00 am and contractors are to meet at the UCDD, bid packets will be given out the morning of walk through.
Bids are due no later than 3:00 pm, Monday, January 9th, 2017 at UCDD 1225 South Willow Avenue Cookeville TN 38506. Contact Tommy Lee, Tammy O’Dell or Vickie Reels for questions at 931 432 4111.
UCDD reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Minority and female businesses are strongly encouraged to apply and participate in this program.