Housing & Family Services2023-07-05T15:16:23+00:00

Affordable Housing Through Cumberland Regional Development Corporation

Cumberland Regional Development Corporation (CRDC) connects individuals with safe and affordable housing. We offer several different types of housing to fit the needs of individuals and families. Our complexes and units are located in the following Tennessee counties: Anderson, Cannon, DeKalb, Fentress, Macon, Monroe, Morgan, Pickett, Putnam, Smith, Warren, White, and Wilson.

Emergency Repair Program 

The Emergency Repair Program for the Elderly and Disabled (ERP) provides housing repairs for individuals who are disabled or 60 years of age and older, own their home and meet the low-income guidelines. The ERP enables eligible participants to receive repairs or replacement of structural problems to their home allowing them to remain in their home.

Prepackaged Home Mortgages and Renovation Loans Through THDA and USDA Programs

As the State’s housing finance agency, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) is a self-sufficient, independently funded, publicly accountable entity of the State of Tennessee. THDA’s mission is to ensure that every Tennessean has access to safe, sound, affordable housing opportunities. THDA offers several programs to help individuals and families find home financing solutions.

USDA also offers home financing solutions for low-income homeowners to repair, improve, or modernize their homes.

Relative Caregiver Program

The Relative Caregiver Program is a comprehensive public/private collaboration funded by the Department of Children’s Services. The program offers support services and resources to relatives raising relative children whose biological parents are no longer able to do so. The RCP was developed out of recognition that a child fares better both mentally and physically when placed with a relative versus in state custody. Since many relative caregivers are aging and/or living on a fixed income, providing the basic necessities for their relative children can be a financial struggle. The RCP provides monthly support groups and enrichment activities, as well as emergency financial support for these families. Monthly case management is offered to the whole relative family, and caregivers are provided with a resource manual that lists available resources and services within their own community.

Along with monthly enrichment activities, the RCP offers training and workshops to both caregivers and children such as CPR instructional classes and summer camps. The program is designed to strengthen the relative caregiver family to enable the child/children to remain in the relative caregiver home.

Public Notices & News

Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (September 2024)

September 6th, 2024|Housing & Family Services, Housing Public Notices, Regional News, UCDD News|

Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? [...]

Aviso Público de THDA: Favor de Revisar y Comentar sobre las Actividades de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario en Tennessee

August 30th, 2024|ECD Public Notices, Housing Public Notices, Regional News, UCDD News|

En el recientemente publicado Informe Consolidado de Desempeño y Evaluación [...]

THDA Public Notice: Please Review and Comment on Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee

August 30th, 2024|ECD Public Notices, Housing Public Notices, Regional News, UCDD News|

In the recently released 2023-2024 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation [...]

Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (August 2024)

July 24th, 2024|Housing & Family Services, Housing Public Notices, Regional News, UCDD News|

Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? [...]

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