Volunteer & Internship Opportunities

Housing & Family Services – Laurel Creek Apartments

Located in Cookeville, Laurel Creek Apartments offers housing for seniors. Volunteer opportunities could include visiting and interacting with seniors through activities, such as bingo.

Contact: Myra Walker, P: 931.476.4120 | E: mwalker@ucdd.org

Planning & Community Development

Our Planning and Community Development department offers internship opportunities in various programs including GIS, grant writing, strategic planning, local planning, downtown revitalization, and historic preservation.

Contact: Tommy Lee, P: 931.979.4105 | E: tlee@ucdd.org

GIS (Geographical Information Systems)

A GIS Internship or volunteer position would entail working closely with the staff GIS specialist to produce high quality maps for grants and presentations for developers, designers, and members of the Economic and Community Development team. Additional work may include demographic and spatial analysis of US Census data, American Community Survey, and telephone and boots-on-the-ground surveys for grants. Interested individuals should have basic working knowledge of the following software and skills: ArcMap, Google Earth, Excel, and cartography.

Positions for interested graduate students can be considered on a case-by-case basis. Interested graduate students should contact the staff GIS Specialist directly to discuss ideas.

Contact: connect@ucdd.org

Family Caregiver Program

Our Family Caregiver Program supports adults who are caring for a loved one. This program offers respite care for caregivers. Multiple volunteer and internship opportunities are available.

Contact: 931.432.4111 | E: connect@ucdd.org


State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) – Provides free, unbiased counseling and education to individuals and their caregivers regarding Medicare and related insurance.

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) – Educates beneficiaries on preventing, detecting, and reporting Medicare and Medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse.

Both programs serve the Upper Cumberland’s aged and disabled populations by providing free information and support. These two programs have multiple volunteer and internship opportunities, including administrative tasks, outreach/education efforts, and one-on-one counseling. For more information, contact Upper Cumberland SHIP and SMP at (931) 432-4150, or ship@ucdd.org

Public Guardianship

Public Guardianship aids seniors who are unable to make financial and medical decisions for themselves. Volunteer opportunities could include visiting seniors in long-term care facilities.


Provides advocates for residents in long-term care facilities. If residents have concerns or are experiencing problems with a long-term care facility, our Ombudsman representatives seek solutions.

Contact: Tracie Long, P: 931.476.4171 | E: ombud@twlakes.net

Home Delivered Meals

The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency coordinates home-delivered meals for seniors in our area. If you are interested in volunteering with the home-delivered meal service, please contact UCHRA for additional details.

Contact: UCHRA Putnam County | P: 931.528.1127