UCDD News and Announcements
Check out the blog below to see what is happening at UCDD. For the calendar of events, click here.
Scam Alert: TN SHIP Phone Number Spoof Attempts Reported
It has come to our attention that an insurance agent is spoofing TN SHIP’s phone number and falsely claiming to be a SHIP representative. They are calling people and trying to schedule home visits to [...]
Training & Resource Development Specialist (Empower Upper Cumberland)
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (January 2025)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
UCDD Begins CDBG Survey Outreach
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is proud to serve as a collaborative leader in economic development in the Upper Cumberland. With the start of a new calendar year, UCDD is working alongside local communities [...]
UCDD-UCHRA Hosts 2024 Annual Meeting, Celebrates Achievements and Community Leaders
Executive Director Mark Farley and Deputy Director Tommy Lee present a symbolic check highlighting the more than $49 million in grant funds UCDD has helped secure for the 14-county Upper Cumberland region. The Upper [...]
RFP: Frozen, Medically-Tailored Meals
The Upper Cumberland Development District’s Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) will receive sealed proposals for the provision of frozen, medically-tailored meals for the HomeDelivered Nutrition and Congregate Nutrition Programs as specified below. These [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (November 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
2024 UCAAAD Senior and Caregiver Expo Happening Oct. 29
Preparation is underway for the 2024 Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo, hosted by the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD). UCAAAD is excited to announce this year’s event theme: "Powered [...]
2024 Senior & Caregiver Expo Announced
Mark your calendars! The 2024 Senior & Caregiver Expo installment is slated for Oct. 29 at Life Church in Cookeville. Join us from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and visit with our amazing [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (September 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Aviso Público de THDA: Favor de Revisar y Comentar sobre las Actividades de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario en Tennessee
En el recientemente publicado Informe Consolidado de Desempeño y Evaluación 2023-2024 (CAPER, por sus siglas en inglés), la Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA, por sus siglas en inglés) describe cómo fondos federales [...]
THDA Public Notice: Please Review and Comment on Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee
In the recently released 2023-2024 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how federal CDBG, ESG, HOME, HOPWA, and HTF funds were spent on housing and community development [...]
UCDD, UCHRA Work to Promote Mental Health Resource
It’s a way to reach out to those in crisis and spread awareness of a valuable mental health resource. The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency’s (UCHRA) Public Transportation vehicles have begun displaying signage promoting the [...]
UCDD Employees Recognized During Fall Training
During UCDD’s fall training on Aug. 15, we had the privilege of honoring some outstanding team members for their exceptional contributions to the agency. Their hard work and commitment continue to drive our organization forward. [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (August 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Registration Opens for Vulnerable Adult Summit
Registration is officially open for the 2024 Upper Cumberland Vulnerable Adult Summit! The Upper Cumberland Adult Abuse Coalition (UCAAC) will host their 14th Annual Summit on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024. This year's Summit will focus [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (July 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP Announces Volunteer Training Program
Are you currently looking for an opportunity to volunteer locally? The Upper Cumberland State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) are conducting a series of volunteer training days on July 22 [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (June 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. If you are interested in attending this meeting [...]
Upper Cumberland Short-Term Rental Workshop Set for June 17
A free short-term rental workshop is scheduled for June 17 for individuals interested in or that currently own/operate vacation rental properties in the Upper Cumberland. The workshop is organized through a partnership with Upper Cumberland Tourism [...]
Encuesta de necesidades de vivienda de Tennessee
Una vivienda asequible, decente, segura y justa es importante para todos. La Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (Tennessee Housing Development Agency, THDA) y sus socios están realizando un estudio sobre [...]
Housing Needs in the Upper Cumberland
Tennessee Housing Needs Survey | Open to ALL Tennesseans Please respond by July 31, 2024 Affordable, decent, safe, and fair housing matters to everyone. The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and partners [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (May 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if [...]
Service Provider Training: May 16, 2024
There will be a FREE Training on Thursday, May 16, held in the UCDD conference room. Topics will include: Pest Control & Prevention, Caregiver Strain, Nutrition 101, Alzheimer's/Related Dementia & Practical Application. Please see the attached [...]
Bits and Bites: June 26, 2024
Please join the Upper Cumberland Adult Abuse Coalition (UCAAC) in their next Bits and Bites Learning Series on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Discover how the UCAAC is dedicated to protecting vulnerable adults, with a [...]
Sound off: Senior Center Rebranding Survey
The Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability wants to hear from YOU! Scan the QR code or follow the link below to provide your feedback regarding the potential rebranding of our region's [...]
RFP: Materials Printing for AAAD
Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is seeking eligible printing companies to print a large quantity of Resource Guides. Bidding Specifications may be obtained by contacting the Family Caregiver Coordinator Lynn Drew with the UCDD, at ldrew@ucdd.org or [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (April 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Aceptando Ahora Comentarios del Público sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2024-2025
La Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA), en nombre del Estado de Tennessee, está buscando comentarios sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2024-2025, que designa cómo el Estado operará los programas CDBG, HOME, [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, is seeking comments on the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan, which designates how the State will operate the CDBG, HOME, HTF, ESG, and [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (March 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (February 2024)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if [...]
UCAAC Bits and Bites Event Announced
You are invited to the upcoming Bits & Bites event hosted by the Upper Cumberland Adult Abuse Coalition (UCAAC) on March 19, 2024. This event aims to raise awareness about crucial topics related to adult [...]
UCDD Announces Assistant Director of Economic Development
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is delighted to announce the promotion of Rosa Smith to the position of Assistant Director of Economic Development. Smith initially joined the UCDD team as an Economic Development Planner [...]
Cumberland and Putnam counties: FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes Feb. 27, 29
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE ABCs of Medicare! classes on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024, from [...]
Putnam County: FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes Jan. 25
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE ABCs of Medicare! classes this month on Thursday, Jan. 25, [...]
2023 Annual Report Now Available Online
The 2023 UCDD-UCHRA Annual Report is now available online. To view the report, click here.
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (December 2023)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (November 2023)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
RFP: Professional In-Home Services
The Upper Cumberland Development District’s Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) will receive sealed proposals for the provision of Professional In-Home Services for persons aged 60 and over and for adults aged 18 and [...]
Ahora aceptamos comentarios del público sobre una enmienda sustancial de los fondos CDBG-CV en el Plan de Acción Anual 2019-20
La Agencia de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario de Tennessee (ECD) y la Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA), en nombre del Estado de Tennessee, solicitan comentarios sobre una enmienda sustancial propuesta al Plan [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment for CDBG-CV Funding in the 2019-20 Annual Action Plan
The Tennessee Economic and Community Development (ECD) Agency and the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, are seeking comments on a proposed substantial amendment to the 2019-20 Annual Action [...]
Supporting Vulnerable Adults in the Upper Cumberland: Join the UCAAC Donation Drive
Click image to enlarge. At the heart of every thriving community lies a commitment to support and uplift its most vulnerable members. The Upper Cumberland Adult Abuse Coalition (UCAAC) embodies this spirit [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (October 2023)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
UCDD in the News: ARC Awards Nearly $14 Million to 43 Projects Supporting Appalachians Recovering from Substance Use Disorder
The following press release was originally published by the Appalachian Regional Commission and can be found here. Today, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) awarded nearly $14 million to 43 projects through its Investments Supporting Partnerships In Recovery Ecosystems [...]
THDA Public Notice: Please Review and Comment on Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee
THDA Public Notice: Please Review and Comment on Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee In the recently released 2022-2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how [...]
Aviso Público de THDA: Favor de Revisar y Comentar sobre las Actividades de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario en Tennessee
Aviso Público de THDA: Favor de Revisar y Comentar sobre las Actividades de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario en Tennessee En el recientemente publicado Informe Consolidado de Desempeño y Evaluación 2022-2023 (CAPER, por sus siglas en [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (September 2023)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives who are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Planning Underway for 2023 UCAAAD Senior and Caregiver Expo
Planning is underway for the 2023 Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo, hosted by the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD). UCAAAD is excited to unveil this year’s event theme, Aging [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Putnam, and White Counties
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE ABCs of Medicare! classes this month on Tuesday, Aug. 8, [...]
Aceptando Ahora Comentarios del Público sobre una Enmienda Sustancial para la Financiación CDBG-CV en el Plan de Acción Anual 2019-2020
Aceptando Ahora Comentarios del Público sobre una Enmienda Sustancial para la Financiación CDBG-CV en el Plan de Acción Anual 2019-2020 1 al 30 de agosto de 2023 La Agencia de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario de [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment for CDBG-CV Funding in the 2019-20 Annual Action Plan
Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment for CDBG-CV Funding in the 2019-20 Annual Action Plan August 1-30, 2023 The Tennessee Economic and Community Development (ECD) Agency and the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment of the State of Tennessee’s HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment of the State of Tennessee’s HOME-ARP Allocation Plan August 4-19, 2023 The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, is seeking comments [...]
Ahora Aceptando Comentarios Públicos Sobre una Enmienda Sustancial al Plan de Asignación HOME-ARP del Estado de Tennessee
Ahora Aceptando Comentarios Públicos Sobre una Enmienda Sustancial al Plan de Asignación HOME-ARP del Estado de Tennessee 4 al 19 de agosto de 2023 La Agencia de Desarrollo de la Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA, por [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings (August 2023)
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives that are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
UC Adult Abuse Coalition Announces 13th-Annual Vulnerable Adult Summit
The 13th annual Upper Cumberland Vulnerable Adult Summit will be held at The Edge Building of Life Church in Cookeville, from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Tuesday, August 23. Discussion topics include abuse, financial [...]
TSBDC Small Business Specialist
The Upper Cumberland Development District has an opening for a TSBDC Small Business Specialist. The TSBDC Small Business Specialist is a trained business professional with the experience and expertise to help existing and aspiring entrepreneurs [...]
UCDD Planning & Community Development Helps Secure Historic Status for Cannon County Landmark
Exciting news coming out of UCDD's Planning and Community Development department: The National Park Service listed Melton's Bank on the National Register of Historic Places on July 3. UCDD Planner Mark Dudney authored the nomination [...]
UCDD Board Approves Employee Raises, Parking Spaces
The Upper Cumberland Development District's (UCDD) Executive Committee approved the 2024 budget during its regular meeting held on June 21. The budget for the new fiscal year includes a three-percent cost of living raise for [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Putnam, and White Counties in July
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE ABCs of Medicare! classes this month on Tuesday, July 11, [...]
In remembrance: Jim McCaleb
It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we inform you of the death of our coworker and friend, Jim McCaleb, who passed away on the morning of June 19. Jim was an Options [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings for July 2023
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives that are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP/SMP to Host Volunteer Training
Are you currently looking for an opportunity to volunteer locally? The Upper Cumberland State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) are conducting a series of volunteer training days on June 9, [...]
Feedback requested: Digital Opportunity Survey
The Broadband office at the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development is asking for your feedback! Tennessee residents are invited to complete this short survey and share the barriers they face to accessing [...]
Relative Caregiver Program Announces Support Group Meetings for June 2023
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? A support group meeting will be held for relatives that are caring for relative children this month. Support group meetings will be canceled if schools [...]
RCP Educational Workshop: Internet Safety That Adults Need to Know
Earlier this month, UCDD's Relative Caregiver Program held an educational workshop designed to inform adults about the dangers of apps and social media that children might have access to. Designed to bring awareness to relative [...]
May Relative Caregiver Calendar Announced
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
UCDD Works with Partners on Byway Podcast
Dale Hollow RPO Coordinator Mark Dudney worked with Jenni Veal of the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development to produce an episode about the Cumberland National Scenic Byway in her podcast series, Traveling Embers. Mike McClanahan of [...]
UCDD Invites Organizations to Apply for TN Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities Grants
Upper Cumberland nonprofit organizations may now apply for the Tennessee Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities (ABC) grants for art projects. The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) administers ABC grants in the Upper Cumberland. The ABC [...]
Wish You Were Here Returns Thursday
We are so excited to carry on with Wish You Were Here! Adventures in Tennessee's Upper Cumberland and continue the adventure with a second season! The adventure picks up where we left off in season [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE ABCs of Medicare Classes in Overton, Putnam Counties
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE ABCs of Medicare classes on April 11, from 10 a.m. [...]
Aceptando Ahora Comentarios del Público sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2023-2024
Aceptando Ahora Comentarios del Público sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2023-2024 (24 de marzo - 24 de abril de 2023) La Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA), en nombre del Estado de [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2023-2024 Annual Action Plan (March 24 - April 24, 2023) The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, is seeking comments on the 2023-2024 [...]
UC Well Represented at 2023 NADO & DDAA Conference
The Upper Cumberland was well-represented at the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) and Development District Association of Appalachia (DDAA) in Arlington, VA, this week. In addition to UCDD staff, our region was represented [...]
March Relative Caregiver Calendar Announced
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
UCDD Offers SNAP Application Assistance
Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD) is now offering application assistance with SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program for adults 60 and over or individuals with a disability. The USDA [...]
Empower UC Collaborative Partner, Highlands Economic Partnership, Launches New Highlands Training Center
Photo courtesy of Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber of Commerce. From left: Nick Bishop, Janice Terry, Page Bryant, Becky Hull, Jasen Knight, Mike Porten, Phillip Clemmons, Matt Billings, Heather Thomas, Mark Farley, Angie Wells, Megan Spurgeon, [...]
Pitch It! Competition Returns, Submissions Currently Accepted
Are you in recovery? Do you have dreams of opening a small business? Tell us about your dream of opening your own small business! UCDD in conjunction with Recovery2Work and The Biz Foundry has announced an opportunity [...]
RCP Families Give Back During 2022 Holiday Season
Each year, UCDD's relative caregiver program asks the caregiver families to come together and give back to the community in one way or another, either by making get-well cards for the elderly in the [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Cumberland Counties
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE Welcome to Medicare! Classes during the month of January on [...]
RCP Educational Workshop: Making Cents in the Kitchen
Recently, UCDD's Relative Caregiver Program partnered with Putnam County UT Extension to hold a workshop to educate relative caregivers on how to cook for the holidays on a budget. UT Extension representatives explained and demonstrated [...]
UCDD, UCHRA Recognize Employees, Communities During 2022 Annual Meeting
UPPER CUMBERLAND — During the agencies’ annual meeting, several employees of the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) selected as departmental employees of the year, were recognized for [...]
TDOT Awards Multimodal Access Grants to Gainesboro, Hartsville
UPPER CUMBERLAND – The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) recently announced multimodal access grant awards to two communities within the Dale Hollow Rural Planning Organization (RPO) region: Gainesboro and Hartsville-Trousdale County. Both awards will fund [...]
Roberson Appointed to TSPN Advisory Council
Congratulations to Jessica Roberson, Information and Assistance Specialist/AAAD Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, on her recent appointment to the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN) Advisory Council. "It is with great excitement that I congratulate you for your [...]
Grading Project Complete at Clarkrange Regional Business Park
Grading work of approximately eight acres in the Clarkrange Regional Business Park (CRBP) is now complete. Local Industrial Development Board (IDB) members gathered at the site, located in southern Fentress County, recently to mark the [...]
November Relative Caregiver Calendar Announced
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
THDA Public Notice/Aviso Público de THDA
Please Review and Comment on Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee/Favor de Revisar y Comentar sobre las Actividades de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario en Tennessee In the recently released 2021-2022 Consolidated Annual Performance and [...]
Countdown to 2022 UCAAAD Senior and Caregiver Expo Underway
Final preparations are underway for the 21st Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo, hosted by the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD), set to take place Oct. 18. Returning to an [...]
October Relative Caregiver Calendar Announced
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Miller featured as ‘Champion of Recovery’ in BJA video
Mikel Miller, Inspire/Recovery2Work Manager, has been featured by the Bureau of Justice Assistance as a Champion of Recovery. Mikel says he was shocked when they reached out and is humbled and grateful that the [...]
Inaugural Pitch It! contest winner announced, awarded $15,000 to support idea
Congratulations to Billy Rodgers/Men of Faith Tree Service for being selected to receive the $15,000 grant funding to make his small business dream a reality. Men of Faith aims to provide a recovery platform while [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Cumberland, and Putnam Counties
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE Welcome to Medicare! classes this month in Overton County on [...]
Pitch It! for a Chance to Receive $15K Small Business Grant
Are you in recovery? Do you have dreams of opening a small business? Tell us about your dream of opening your own small business! UCDD in conjunction with Recovery2Work and The Biz Foundry has [...]
UCDD Complaint Policy and Intake Forms
Click here to view the UCDD Complaint Policy Click here to download and print the UCDD Complaint and Intake Form Click here to complete the Complaint and Intake Form online
UCDD/AAAD’s Hitchcock Named SMP Fraud Prevention’s Finest
Loni Hitchcock Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) employee Loni Hitchcock has received national recognition for her work; being named Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Fraud Prevention’s [...]
Bowman Marks 50 Years with UCDD
UPPER CUMBERLAND - The year was 1972. The United States and Vietnam were still at war, the Watergate scandal had broken that spring, and Henry Bowman was working in Washington, D.C. at the US Bureau [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Putnam and Overton Counties
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE Welcome to Medicare! classes this month on Aug. 24 from [...]
Local SBDC Looks to Add Interns, Aid Area Businesses
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is working closely with Tennessee Tech University to recruit interns. Designed to offer skilled support to local businesses this program also provides students [...]
Planning Underway for Annual Upper Cumberland Senior, Caregiver Expo
Planning is underway for the 21st Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo, hosted by the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD). This year we come together to celebrate 21 years of [...]
Keep Your Medicare and Personal Information Safe
If you have Medicare, you can protect your identity and help prevent health care fraud by guarding your Medicare card like you would a credit card. Identity theft from stolen Medicare numbers is becoming more [...]
UCDD Offers Relative Caregiver, Housing Assistance
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Cumberland County
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a FREE Welcome to Medicare! class on Aug. 8 from 9 a.m. until noon [...]
Macon, Lafayette Secure 130-Acre Industrial Development Site With Assistance From UCDD
On Monday, July 25, the City of Lafayette and Macon County closed on the purchase of 130 acres of property eyed for industrial development. The 130-acre addition more than doubles the existing footprint [...]
UCDD partners with Bull and Thistle to Host Gainesboro Bicentennial Lecture Series
Beginning July 30, the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) will partner with the Bull and Thistle restaurant to host the Gainesboro Bicentennial (Plus Two) Lecture Series on Saturday mornings. Historians and other experts will present [...]
Inaugural Economic Development Summit Announced
Mark your calendars! The Inaugural Economic Development Summit is coming to Tennessee Tech University Aug. 9-10, 2022! Keynote speakers include Senator Bill Hagerty, Congressman John Rose, and Speaker Cameron Sexton. The focus is [...]
UCDD Offers Relative Caregiver, Housing Assistance
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Relative Caregiver workshop held
A Relative Caregiver workshop was held on June 16 at the Upper Cumberland Development District office. This event provided parents and caregivers tips and insight regarding internet safety; providing increased awareness about the potential dangers [...]
UCDD Special-Called Meeting: June 30
A special-called meeting for UCDD, to approve CAIC loans before the end of the month, has been set for 10 a.m. Thursday, June 30, at the UCDD office at 1104 England Drive.
Wish You Were Here Returns June 23
My, oh my how the time flies in the beautiful Upper Cumberland! Set your TVs and mark your calendars - it's almost time for the second episode of Wish You Were Here! The episode will [...]
Tennessee Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant Application Now Open
Upper Cumberland nonprofit organizations may now apply for the Tennessee Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities (ABC) grants for arts projects that broaden access to arts experiences, address community quality of life issues through the arts, [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Cumberland County
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a FREE Welcome to Medicare! class this month on June 6 from 9 a.m. [...]
Request for Proposals
The Upper Cumberland Development District will receive sealed proposals at 1104 England Drive, Cookeville, TN 38501, until May 31, 2022 at 12 p.m. Central Standard Time for online training, recruitment, time & attendance, onboarding, and [...]
Wish You Were Here Trailer
The episode one premiere for Wish You Were Here Adventures in Tennessee's Upper Cumberland will air tomorrow on WCTE PBS Channel 22 at 8:30 p.m. Aired episodes will be available for streaming on wcte.org you [...]
Wish You Were Here Tourism Series to Air May 19
It’s lights, camera, action for a new collaborative project between Upper Cumberland Development District, Upper Cumberland Tourism Association, Tennessee Tech University, and WCTE PBS. Wish You Were Here: Adventures in Tennessee’s Upper Cumberland, a new [...]
UCDD Invites Organizations to Apply for TN Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities Grants
Upper Cumberland nonprofit organizations may now apply for the Tennessee Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities (ABC) grants for art projects that broaden access to arts experiences, address community quality of life issues through the arts, [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Cumberland Counties
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE Welcome to Medicare! classes this month on May 11 from [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP/SMP to Host Volunteer Training
Are you currently looking for an opportunity to volunteer locally? The Upper Cumberland State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) are conducting a series of volunteer training days on May 9, [...]
April is Fair Housing Month
Fair Housing Month celebrates the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on April 11, 1968. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated days before [...]
Actualmente Aceptando Comentarios Públicos sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2022-2023 24 de marzo – 25 de abril de 2022
En el borrador recientemente publicado del Plan de Acción Anual 2022-2023, la Agencia de Desarrollo de la Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA, por sus siglas en inglés) describe cómo el Estado de Tennessee operará los programas [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan March 24 – April 25, 2022
In the recently released 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan draft, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how the State of Tennessee will operate the CDBG, HOME, HTF, ESG, and HOPWA programs in the coming fiscal [...]
2020-21 UCDD Financial Audit
Click here to view the 2020-21 UCDD Financial Audit.
Request for Proposal: Single Audit Services for UCDD and UCHRA
The Upper Cumberland Development District is accepting proposals for single audit services for both the Upper Cumberland Development District and the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency. The RFP information is found below: Single Audit Services [...]
Request for Proposal: AAAD Nutrition Services
The Upper Cumberland Development District’s Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) will receive sealed proposals for the provision of Nutrition Services, Professional In-Home Services, and Adult Daycare Services for persons age 60 and over [...]
Request for Proposal: AAAD Services
The Upper Cumberland Development District’s Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) will receive sealed proposals for the provision of the following services: Transportation: Provision of transportation services using a service provider vehicle for persons [...]
Child Care Creation Program
UCDD is seeking solutions to the child care shortage in our region. We are excited to partner with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development to increase child care capacity through this new grant [...]
UCDD Offers Relative Caregiver, Housing Assistance
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Input Needed: White County Parks and Rec Survey
Do you live in White County? Please take a few minutes to take this quick survey about parks and recreation facilities in the county! Click the link to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/White_County_Parks_User_Survey This survey is [...]
Bridges out of Poverty & Simulation Day Held
The Upper Cumberland has recently formed a collaboration to develop a Poverty Reduction System in our region. This collaboration includes a variety of partners and has recently been named Empower Upper Cumberland. Empower Upper Cumberland, [...]
Public Notice: AAAD Public Hearing Mar. 16
The Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability will hold a public hearing to receive input on programs and services for older adults and adults with physical disabilities. This public hearing will take place [...]
UCDD’s CAIC Announces Farm Loan Opportunity
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and the Cumberland Area Investment Corporation (CAIC) are looking for a new crop of farmers to assist with the agencies’ Farm Loan funding opportunities. Offering low-interest, fixed-rate loans, the [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? The Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE "Welcome to Medicare!" classes in Crossville this year. Classes [...]
UCDD Aging Department Announces Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class
Do you help take care of an adult with chronic conditions? If so, you are not alone. Over 43.5 million family caregivers in America provide a vast array of emotional, financial, nursing, social, homemaking, and [...]
January Relative Caregiver Calendar Announced
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
THDA Receives Approval to Roll Out Tennessee Housing Assist Fund Program (TNHAF)
Tennessee Housing Department Agency just received the approval to roll out the much-needed Tennessee Housing Assist Fund Program or TNHAF. This program is designed to assist homeowners with: Mortgage payments Past-due HOA fees Homeowner’s Insurance [...]
UCDD, UCHRA Recognize Employees and Communities During Annual Meeting
During the agencies’ annual meeting, eight employees of the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) selected as departmental employees of the year were recognized for their efforts. Two employees [...]
December 2021 Relative Caregiver Program Calendar
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will be [...]
THDA Public Notice: Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee
THDA Public Notice: Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee In the recently released 2020-2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how federal CDBG, ESG, HOME, HOPWA, [...]
November 2021 Relative Caregiver Program Calendar
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will be [...]
UCDD, AAAD to Host Free Screening of Acclaimed Alzheimer’s Documentary Oct. 30
Join the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability (TCAD) and the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD) for an inspiring cinematic exploration of the astounding changes that music can spark in people [...]
2021 Senior & Caregiver Expo
Thank you to all of the sponsors, vendors, and volunteers who helped make the 2021 Senior & Caregiver Expo one for the books! We can't wait to see everyone in 2022!
UCDD Staff Participate in Purple Thursday
October is Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention Month. Thursday, Oct. 21, has been designated as Purple Thursday in honor of DVAM. UCDD staff wore purple on Oct. 21 to show support to the community and [...]
Local SBDC Looks to Add Interns, Aid Area Businesses
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is working closely with Tennessee Tech University to recruit interns. Designed to offer skilled support to local businesses this program also provides students [...]
Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability Announces Free Screening of Alive Inside Documentary
Join the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability and the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability for an inspiring cinematic exploration of the astounding changes that music can spark in people living with [...]
Relative Caregiver October Calendar
Click on the image to enlarge. Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development [...]
UPDATE: Senior & Caregiver Expo Moving Outdoors
The Senior & Caregiver Expo Committee has been hard at work planning and strategizing on how we can safely move forward with this Fall’s expo event. We have chosen to transition our Senior & Caregiver [...]
Relative Caregiver Program to Hold Support Group Meeting
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
UCDD, City of Baxter celebrate completion of grant-funded park
In early September, local officials gathered to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the new Baxter Seminary Park. This new park, a recipient of a $750,000 dollar grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee (BCBST). [...]
Fentress, Jackson Counties Recognized for Moving Off Distressed Counties List
During the Aug. 18 UCDD Executive Committee meeting, Mark Farley, Executive Director of UCDD and UCHRA, recognized two Upper Cumberland counties as coming off of the distressed counties list. Fentress and Jackson counties were two [...]
Notificación de la enmienda de financiación del programa CDBG (CDBG‑CV) debido a la COVID‑19
Notificación de la enmienda de financiación del programa CDBG (CDBG‑CV) debido a la COVID‑19 Revisión y comentarios: del 5 al 10 de agosto de 2021 https://thda.org/research-reports/consolidated-planning La Agencia de Desarrollo de Viviendas de Tennessee (THDA) [...]
Notice of CDBG COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Funding Amendment
Notice of CDBG COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Funding Amendment Review and Comment: August 5-10, 2021 https://thda.org/research-reports/consolidated-planning The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD) have released an amendment to the [...]
UCDD RCP, Housing Announcement – August 2021
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Annual Senior/Caregiver Expo Celebrating 20 Years
The Annual Senior & Caregiver Expo has undergone many changes over the years, with 2020 being the most challenging year handling a pandemic. This year, the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD) [...]
SHIP to Host Free ‘Welcome to Medicare’ Classes in Overton County
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? The Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE "Welcome to Medicare!" classes. Each class will consist of [...]
SHIP to Host Free ‘Welcome to Medicare’ Classes in Cumberland County
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? The Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE "Welcome to Medicare!" classes. Each class will consist of [...]
SHIP Welcome to Medicare Classes Coming to Crossville
Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? The Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE "Welcome to Medicare!" classes. Each class will consist of [...]
Relative Caregiver Program to Hold Support Group Meeting
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Ackerman Named Assistant Director of UCDD Planning and Community Development
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) has named Marcie Ackerman as the Assistant Director of the organization’s Planning and Community Development department. Ackerman, employed with UCDD since October 2018, started as a project manager for [...]
2022 Tennessee Elder Justice Conference (TNEJC) Announced
Click on the image to enlarge. Mark your calendars! The 2022 Tennessee Elder Justice Conference (TNEJC) will take place May 3-5, 2022 at the Park Vista in Gatlinburg, TN. According to Aaron Bradley, [...]
Caring Corner: Caring for You, Caring for Me (3/5)
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging & Disability (UCAAAD) have announced the Caring Corner, a virtual support group for those caring for loved ones. In this video series, [...]
UCDD Announces Informative Arts Build Communities Grants Workshop
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) is a designated agency to administer grant funding through the Tennessee Arts Commission’s Arts Build Communities program. The Arts Build Communities (ABC) grant program is designed to provide support [...]
2021 UCAAAD Senior Caregiver Expo Announced
In tough times, communities find strength in people and people find strength in their communities. In the past year, we’ve seen this time and again in the Upper Cumberland region as friends, neighbors, and businesses [...]
Relative Caregiver Program to Hold Support Group Meeting
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will [...]
Warren County Online Grocery Shopping Class a Success
The Warren County Senior Center has held its second online grocery shopping class to teach participants how to navigate online shopping. So far, the program has had 45 participants complete the two-hour class. Another class [...]
UCAAAD Applies for Additional Ani-Meals Grant Funding
UCDD's Area Agency on Aging and Disability team is going after a new grant to help continue the Ani-Meals pet food delivery program into its second year. Sara Martin, AAAD Family Caregiver/Evidence-Based Assistant, recently submitted [...]
Memorial Day 2021 Office Closure
We remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve and protect our country this Memorial Day. In observance, our offices will be closed Monday, May 31. We will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday, June [...]
John’s Place Awarded $40,000 Historic Preservation Grant
John's Place, a small, African American-owned restaurant and bar operated continuously by the McClellan family since 1949, has been awarded a $40,000 grant by the Backing Historic Small Historic Restaurants program. The grant was made [...]
UCDD Aging Team Implementing Telehealth Stations
UPPER CUMBERLAND — The Upper Cumberland Development District’s Area Agency on Aging and Disability (UCAAAD) team has announced the installation of telehealth stations across the Upper Cumberland in the coming months. These stations will provide [...]
40th Anniversary of NCVRW Observed This Week
Since 1981, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) serves as a time to renew our commitment to serving all victims of crime, to acknowledge the achievements in victim services and allied professions, to honor those [...]
April is National Fair Housing Month
This year marks the 53rd anniversary of the Fair Housing Act. This landmark law was signed into law on April 11, 1968, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination because [...]
UCAAAD Announces Partnership with JustServe.org
The Area Agency on Aging and Disability at Upper Cumberland Development District recently partnered with JustServe.org; a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve [...]
Ani-Meals Program Provides Meals for Pets in Need
As a recipient of the 2020 Meals on Wheels Pets Grant Award and through a collaboration with local PetSmart Charities, the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability's (UCAAAD) Ani-Meals program was able to [...]
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan March 23 - April 22, 2021 In the recently released 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan draft, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how the State [...]
AAAD Holds First In-Person Advisory Board Meeting
On March 17, the Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD) Advisory Board held its first in-person meeting held since the onset of the 2020 pandemic. Twelve board members attended in-person and two joined virtually. [...]
Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host Free Webinar
UPPER CUMBERLAND — The Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) will host a free webinar, The ABCs of Medicare, March 19 from 9 a.m. until noon. This virtual event is a great opportunity [...]
Silver Alert Town Hall Meeting Announced
Along with Alzheimer's Tennessee, Inc., the Upper Cumberland Development District's Area Agency on Aging and Disability is seeking your support of the Silver Alert Bill. This bill would establish a statewide protocol to be implemented with local [...]
Caring Corner: February 2021
This month, the Caring Corner team dives into heart health in honor of American Heart Month.
UCDD, UCHRA Board Meetings Rescheduled
Due to inclement weather and potentially hazardous travel conditions across the Upper Cumberland, the regularly scheduled Policy Council and Executive Committee meetings of both the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and the Upper Cumberland Human [...]
UCDD 2021-2022 Strategic Plan
To view and download a copy of the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan, click the cover page below:
Caring Corner: Managing Stress Workshop
In this episode of Caring Corner, Sara and Clare discuss helpful tools for managing stress. If you are caring for a loved one, make plans to join our six-week class, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, in [...]
Have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine?
Tennesseans who wish to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, and qualify for a phase currently being vaccinated, can register for an appointment online at https://covid19.tn.gov/covid-19-vaccines/vaccine-phases/. Residents of Tennessee’s metropolitan counties may seek information from their local [...]
UCDD announces Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop
Caring for an adult with cognitive impairment or other related dementias isn't easy. Fortunately, there are resources available to help you. Join us in March for a six-week workshop designed to provide you with the [...]
Relative Caregiver Program to Hold Support Group Meeting
UPPER CUMBERLAND — Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-877-275-8233. A support [...]
Caring Corner Holiday Special
Seasons greetings from us at Caring Corner. It's December and, this month, we are discussing caregiving during the holiday season and the stress that comes along with it. We also take a look at a [...]
Tennessee’s Upper Cumberland Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy | 2020 Update
According to the Economic Development Administration, the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) contributes to effective economic development in America’s communities and regions through a locally-based, regionally-driven economic development planning process. Economic development planning successfully [...]
2019-2020 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
THDA Public Notice: Housing and Community Development Activities in Tennessee In the recently released 2019-2020 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) describes how federal CDBG, ESG, HOME, HOPWA, [...]
SNAP-Ed Works: Healthier Lives Through Nutrition Education
Applicants 60 and over or an individual with a disability can now call UCAAAD SNAP Benefits Coordinator, Miranda Malin, at (931) 319-7991 for free and confidential application assistance. This project is funded under an agreement [...]
Legal Aid Society – 2021 Legal Priorities Survey
Every year, Legal Aid Society asks community organizations, potential clients, and others to help us determine the unmet legal needs of people in our service area. All responses are strictly confidential. Clients served in the [...]
UCDD Adds COVID Response Coordinator to Staff Roster
UPPER CUMBERLAND — The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) continues to add to its skilled staff. Recently, UCDD hired Kim England to serve as a Response Coordinator to assist with COVID-19 recovery efforts; serving as [...]
AAAD to Host Free Screening of Alzheimer’s Documentary
UPPER CUMBERLAND — Join the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability and the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability for an inspiring cinematic exploration of the astounding changes that music can spark in people [...]
Notice of ESG COVID-19 (ESG-CV) Funding Amendment
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) has released an amendment to the 2019-2020 State of Tennessee Annual Action Plan detailing new COVID-19 CARES Act funding for the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program. The ESG program [...]
Area Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs Join Congressman Rose in Small Business Town Hall
Pictured, from left: Mark Farley, UCDD Executive Director; Maegan Smith, Small Business Development Advisor; Tyler Asher, Small Business Development Center Director; and, Britt Aikers, owner of One Hour Martinizing in Cookeville. UPPER CUMBERLAND [...]
UCAAAD Receives $2,500 from Meals on Wheels America and PetSmart Charities
Funding Will Assist Efforts to Keep Putnam County Seniors and Their Pets Together Amid the Pandemic and Beyond PUTNAM COUNTY – Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability is proud to announce that it [...]
UCDD, Regional Partners Announce $1M Grant Award
BAXTER, TENN. — White House officials, state and local elected officials, community partners, and officials with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration gathered at the Baxter Welcome Center/Depot Monday to celebrate the announcement [...]
UCAAAD Caring Corner Video Series
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) and the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging & Disability (UCAAAD) have announced the Caring Corner, a virtual support group for those caring for loved ones. In this video series, [...]
Notice of CDBG COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Funding Amendment: June 17-23, 2020
Notice of CDBG COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Funding Amendment Review and Comment: June 17-23, 2020 https://thda.org/research-planning/consolidated-planning The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD) have released an amendment to [...]
Notice of HOPWA COVID-19 (HOPWA-CV) Funding Amendment
Notice of HOPWA COVID-19 (HOPWA-CV) Funding Amendment
CAIC COVID-19 Relief Request Now Online
CAIC now has available Economic Impact Relief Program Request Forms related to COVID-19. These may be downloaded or completed online.To find out more, jump directly to the CAIC page now.
RuPI Grant Applications For Center Hill RPO
Rural Planning Initiative (RuPI) Purpose :This program is intended to help rural communities identify needs and promote solutions that lead to an interconnected community with efficient modes of transportation. This initial year 2020, will be [...]
RuPI Grant Applications For Dale Hollow RPO
Rural Planning Initiative (RuPI) Purpose :This program is intended to help rural communities identify needs and promote solutions that lead to an interconnected community with efficient modes of transportation. This initial year 2020, will be [...]
Update on Public Hearings
Meal Delivery Volunteers Needed
Do you want to make a difference? Are you concerned about the needs of older and disabled people? Can you work with all types of people? Aging Services for the Upper Cumberland, Inc. is looking [...]
Senior & Caregiver Expo Attracts Record Number of Attendees
The Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo held on Tuesday, October 22 at Life Church in Cookeville attracted 920 attendees, breaking the event’s attendance record from the past several years. Organized by the Upper Cumberland [...]
2019 Senior & Caregiver Expo to Host Caregiver Training
Just as the leaves are turning shades for Autumn, the 18th annual Senior & Caregiver Expo is quickly approaching. The event is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 from 8:30 AM to [...]
Take the Tennessee Fair Housing Survey Today!
We want to hear from you! The survey closes this Friday, October 4! Whether you are a renter or homeowner, fair and affordable housing matters to everyone. The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and partners [...]
April is Fair Housing Month
NASHVILLE, TN - Annually the Tennessee Human Rights Commission (THRC) along with national fair housing organizations, fair housing advocates and communities across the country celebrate April as Fair Housing Month. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on [...]
New Platinum Sponsors Welcomed to 18th Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo
As planning for the Senior & Caregiver Expo comes to fruition, the red carpet has just rolled out for three new community partners to take the stage beside other platinum sponsors. These corporate sponsors will [...]
Labor Statistics Quick Links
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides timely data regarding employment trends. Below is a list of useful links for the fourteen counties of the Upper Cumberland. CountyUnemployment RateUnemploymentEmploymentLabor Force CannonLinkLinkLinkLink ClayLinkLinkLinkLink CumberlandLinkLinkLinkLink DekalbLinkLinkLinkLink FentressLinkLinkLinkLink JacksonLinkLinkLinkLink [...]
Organizers Announce Date for 18th Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo
Plans are taking shape for the 18th Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo which is scheduled to take place Tuesday, October 22, 2019, from 8:30am to 1:00pm at Life Church in Cookeville, Tenn. Organized [...]
Senator Paul Bailey Receives “Legislator of the Year” Award
Senator Paul Bailey received the "Legislator of the Year" Award from the Tennessee Development District Association (TDDA) and the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD). Senator Bailey was presented the award on June 7 at the [...]
Smith County Leadership Class of 2018 Awarded TN Arts Commission Arts Build Communities Grant for Mural Installation
The Tennessee Arts Commission and the Upper Cumberland Development District are pleased to announce that Leadership Opportunity of Smith County has completed a project with the Arts Build Communities Grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission. [...]
UCDD and UCHRA Executive Director Appointed to Regional Substance Abuse Advisory Council
Recently, Mark Farley, Upper Cumberland Development District and Human Resource Agency Executive Director, was appointed to the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Substance Abuse Advisory Council (SAAC), a 24-member volunteer advisory group of leaders from law [...]
UCDD Prepares for Move
The Upper Cumberland Development District will be moving to their newly constructed facility located at 1104 England Drive, Cookeville, Tenn. in mid-August. The tentative date for opening at their new location is Monday, August 19, [...]
THDA Awards Home Repair Funds to Spencer and Van Buren County
VAN BUREN COUNTY, Tenn. (July 11, 2019) – Van Buren County and the City of Spencer have each secured a $375,000 HOME program grant from the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) to help local families [...]
Be An Ombudsman Volunteer
Do you want to make a difference? Are you concerned about the needs of older people? Can you work with all types of people? Do you like to follow problems through to resolution? Aging Services [...]
Viola Receives Fire Truck Funded By A Community Development Block Grant
VIOLA – The Town of Viola recently received a new fire truck which was funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD). Viola [...]
Informatics Blog Going Live
In the near future, the Informatics Blog will be going live. Hosted by Chuck Sutherland, this blog will have a GIS-centric theme. Look forward to all things UC GIS!
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan
March 21 - April 22, 2019 The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) announces the release of the 2019-2020 DRAFT Annual Action Plan on behalf of the State of Tennessee. The 2019 Draft Plan, available for [...]
Clay County Awarded Creative Placement Grant
The Tennessee Arts Commission and the Upper Cumberland Development District are pleased to announce that Clay County has been awarded the Creative Placemaking Grant for arts enhancement of the county’s historic courthouse. Clay County, with [...]
Interested In A Hot Lunch And Good Conversation?
Lunch time meals for individuals 60+ years of age and their spouses are provided at Senior Centers in all fourteen counties of the Upper Cumberland. A hot, nutritious meal is served at your local Senior [...]
Joint Meeting Of The Dale Hollow RPO
The Technical Committee and Executive Board of the Dale Hollow RPO will meet on December 20, 2018 @ 10:30 a.m. at the Leslie Town Centre. The following documents are for this meetings: Dale Hollow RPO [...]
Donation Drive to Benefit Relative Caregiver Families
This December, the Upper Cumberland Relative Caregiver Program (RCP), in partnership with the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability and Quality of Families, is holding a donation drive of household basics to benefit [...]
Breakfast Fundraiser to Benefit Seniors in Need
The community is invited to a breakfast fundraiser at Golden Corral this Friday to benefit low income, homebound seniors across the Upper Cumberland. The Golden Circle of Giving Breakfast, hosted by Golden Corral, Upper Cumberland [...]
Historic courthouse will showcase Clay County heritage
On November 8, local officials welcomed visitors to the Clay County Courthouse to celebrate the installation of nine large display panels, each showcasing a different subject of Clay County history. The welcoming event capped off [...]
Expo Offers Caregiver Training
The Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability invites caregivers to the Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo and caregiver training on Tuesday, October 16, 2018. The expo and training will be held at [...]
Be an Ombudsman Volunteer
Do you want to make a difference? Are you concerned about the needs of older people? Can you work with all types of people? Do you like to follow problems through to resolution? BE AN [...]
Congressman Black Receives National Aging Impact Award
COOKEVILLE, TENN—August 30, 2018 - Congressman Diane Black will be honored for her continued advocacy for older adults with the National Aging Impact Award from the Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging (SE4A). Nominated [...]
Smith County Whipper Snappers Win Upper Cumberland Senior Brain Game Competition
Each year, local senior center teams participate in a battle of the wits to be named Upper Cumberland Senior Brain Games champions and for a chance to challenge other seniors in the state in their [...]
UCHRA, UCDD Ink Shared Services Agreement
COOKEVILLE – An agreement designed to better serve the recipients of resources offered by the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency and Upper Cumberland Development District was approved Tuesday during the agencies’ Executive Committee meetings. A [...]
Big Changes Planned for Annual Upper Cumberland Senior Expo
Planning is underway for the 17th Annual Upper Cumberland Senior and Caregiver Expo, hosted by the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD), with big changes on the horizon. This year, the expo [...]
City of Baxter Receives Tourism Enhancement Grant
The City of Baxter receives a $75,000 Tourism Enhancement Grant to build an amphitheater stage in the new "Baxter Seminary Park." Kevin Triplett, Commissioner of Tourist Development, recently came to Baxter to present the check. [...]
UCDD Breaks Ground for New Facility
Cookeville, Tenn., July 19, 2018 – The Upper Cumberland Development District broke ground on the site of their new building on England Drive in Cookeville. The project, designed by Upland Design Group, includes improved amenities [...]