Cumberland Regional Development Corporation

Cumberland Regional Development Corporation (CRDC) works with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Tennessee Housing Development Agency, Federal Home Loan Bank, Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development and U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development to create affordable housing. The HUD 202 housing units are for senior citizens 62 years of age or older and are funded by HUD through the Section 202 program. The HUD 811 housing units are for individuals with verifiable disabilities and are funded by HUD through Section 811 program. Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), Macon County Rentals and Estes Duplex units are available for low income housing. Farm Labor housing units are for individuals who are employed in the agricultural sector. We currently have complexes in the following Tennessee counties: Anderson, Cannon, DeKalb, Fentress, Macon, Monroe, Morgan, Pickett, Putnam, Smith, Warren, White and Wilson.

HUD 202

The following housing complexes are designed specifically for adults age 62 years of age or older.


Dogwood Manor

95 Adams Lane, Oak Ridge, TN  37830

Fiddlers Annex

125 Fiddlers Drive, Smithville, TN  37166

Fiddlers Manor

712 Walker Drive, Smithville, TN  37166

Golden Oaks

111 Woodmont Drive, McMinnville, TN  37110


115 Hillcrest Drive, Byrdstown, TN 38549

Hilltop Manor

147 Sunny Slope Road, Woodbury, TN 37190

Laurel Creek

580 Cora Road, Cookeville, TN  38501

Pedigo II

310 Willow Creek Drive, Madisonville, TN 37354

Peyton Manor

460 Peyton Road, Lebanon, TN  37087

Shenandoah Apartments-Lafayette-7119


100 Shenandoah Drive, Lafayette, TN 37083

South Carthage

116 Old Lebanon Rd, Carthage, TN  37030

HUD 811

The following housing complexes are designed specifically for adults with verifiable disabilities.

Clinch River

940 Main Street, Wartburg, TN  37887


400 Hill Road, Jamestown, TN  38556


115 Hillcrest Drive, Byrdstown, TN 38549


518 Mace Ave, Jamestown, TN  38556

Pedigo I

317 Willow Creek Drive, Madisonville, TN  37354


306 Jefferson Terminal Rd, Oak Ridge, TN  37830

Shenandoah Apartments-Lafayette-7119

Shenandoah Haven

401 Shenandoah Drive, Lafayette, TN  37083

Low Income Housing

We have several housing units for individuals or families who meet low income requirements.

Macon County Rentals

Multiple locations in Macon County, Tennessee

Estes Apartments

612-632 Estes Street, Smithville, TN  37166

DeKalb 4-Plex

1101 Vaughn Lane A-D, Smithville, TN  37166

NSP Housing

Locations in DeKalb, Macon, Monroe, Smith Warren, White and Wilson Counties

Farm Labor Housing

Housing is available for individuals employed in the agricultural sector.

DeKalb 4-Plex

1101 Vaughn Lane A-D, Smithville, TN  37166

Beacon Light

86 Diemer Drive, Morrison, TN  37357