
29 12, 2022

Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Cumberland Counties

2022-12-29T01:26:46+00:00December 29th, 2022|Area Agency on Aging & Disability, Regional News, UCDD News|Comments Off on Upper Cumberland SHIP to Host FREE Welcome to Medicare Classes in Overton, Cumberland Counties

Are you eligible for Medicare and curious about your plan options? Upper Cumberland SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) is conducting a series of FREE Welcome to Medicare! Classes during the month of January on the following dates: Jan. 17 from 10 a.m. until noon at the Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD) office located at [...]

26 10, 2017

Renewal Packets

2017-10-26T15:34:29+00:00October 26th, 2017|Area Agency on Aging & Disability|Comments Off on Renewal Packets

If you have TennCare, CHOICES, QMB or SLMB, you may receive a renewal packet in the mail. Responses are requested within 40 calendar days. If you have received your renewal packet and have not responded within 40 days, it is important that you respond as soon as possible; you may be eligible to keep your [...]

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