Rural Planning Initiative (RuPI) Purpose :This program is intended to help rural communities identify needs and promote solutions that lead to an interconnected community with efficient modes of transportation. This initial year 2020, will be a pilot to determine if this program will benefit rural communities and to further develop the process.
2020 Applications must be submitted to Virginia Alexander:, no later
than 4pm on Wednesday June 10, 2020
• Establish a dedicated “Steering Committee” of community leaders
who will participate for the length of the study. This will involve
allocating time for meetings and facilitating community input.
• Illustrate interest and support from local government, chambers of
commerce, merchant organizations, business and property
owner’s within project area who recognize the importance of
corridor improvements or connectivity to their community
• Adopt a resolution by participating jurisdictions to implement, to
the best of their abilities, recommendations from the study.
Eligible Planning Activities
• Access Management studies
• Corridor Studies
• Road Diet Analysis
• Resurfacing and Striping plans for Local Roads
• Transportation Facility Inventories
• Transportation Feasibility Studies
• All CTPG eligible planning documents (Complete Streets,
Bike/Ped Plans, Transportation Systems Management &