UCDD employees are well equipped to assist communities in economic development efforts through a wide variety of services. Our staff recognizes successful economic development takes the right team of individuals working together to strategically plan for the future. To facilitate strategic planning conversations between all state and regional partners with local government officials and community leaders, UCDD coordinates Economic Development Strategy Sessions in each Upper Cumberland county annually. Additional economic development assistance includes the preparation of Requests for Information (RFI) and industrial grant proposals including TNECD’s Site Development, TNECD’s Fast Track and TVA’s InvestPrep. To ensure your community is best positioned for economic growth, our staff can also attend and assist with meeting compliance of your Joint Economic and Community Development Board (JECDB) and Industrial Development Board (IDB) meetings.


Megan Choate, Director of Lending and Economic Development

P: 931.476.4115 E: mchoate@ucdd.org