The AAAD contracts with senior centers and the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) to coordinate and provide public transportation services for adults age 60 and over with priority given to those of greatest economic and social need. Transportation vouchers are disseminated at each senior center to those needing transportation service for activities of daily living such as, but not limited to, shopping for groceries and other needs, non-TennCare medical and other healthcare-related appointments, pharmacies, congregate meal sites, etc. The transportation voucher is redeemed through the UCHRA Public Transportation throughout the 14-county region.
We have a gentleman who is new to our community. His only means of transportation is the most beautiful blue Huffy bike you’ve ever seen. Being a very social guy, he is participating in all the wonderful things we have to offer in the Monterey area, but he is trying to expand his interests to include volunteer work in Cookeville. Fearing we would soon be seeing the blue Huffy on Route 70, I introduced him to the [UCHRA Public Transportation] system. He is now able to go to Cookeville and do his volunteer work and return to Monterey in safe fashion. He is so grateful for the tickets you’ve provided for him. I have seen tears when presenting them.
Thanks to this wonderful service you make it possible for us to provide. I know when they thank me they are really thanking you and your team, but I gladly take the smiles and hugs! My new friend is absolutely blooming where he has been re-planted. My other experiences with these tickets has been to heal the body, but it is equally important to heal the mind and spirit.
– Senior Center Director
To schedule a pick-up time or obtain information about available services call 1-833-UC TRIPS.