Support Services through TennCare’s Choices or Home and Community Based Services
For individuals in need of support services, the AAAD can assist in determining eligibility for either TennCare Choices or Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).
Watch the brief video below to learn more about CHOICES and the program’s positive impact on clients.
You can also click here to visit TennCare’s website and learn more about the CHOICES program.
TennCare’s CHOICES
TennCare’s CHOICES in Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) program provides eligible aging adults and adults with physical disabilities with needed services and support in the home/community setting or nursing facility. Long-term services and supports include help doing everyday activities individuals may no longer be able to do themselves. There are three levels of eligibility in CHOICES, with each level offering certain services. Depending on the level of eligibility, services available may include:
- In-Home Respite Care
- Assistive Technology
- In-Patient Respite Care
- Community-Based Residential Alternatives (Adult Care Home, Companion Care, Assisted Care Living Facility, Community Living Support Homes)
- Personal Care
- Home-delivered Meals
- Adult Day Services
- Minor Home Modifications
- Pest Control
- Attendant Care
- Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
AAAD serves as the single entry point for individuals and families seeking information about CHOICES including institutional and Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). AAAD provides:
- Outreach and education about LTSS options for the community at large, consumers, caregivers, and providers
- Information and referral for individuals or families considering options for LTSS
- Screening and assessment to assist individuals and families in determining possible eligibility and need for LTSS
- Facilitated enrollment into the CHOICES LTSS system
- Advocacy on behalf of individuals and families seeking access to and/or receiving Medicaid-reimbursed LTSS
- Assistance in maintaining medical eligibility
We are members of the Meals on Wheels program.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provide eligible adults age 60 and over and adults age 18 and over with physical disabilities who are at risk of entering long-term care facilities the option of receiving services in their homes or in a community setting. Home and Community-Based Services are state-funded (OPTIONS for Community Living) and federally-funded (Older Americans Act Title III). Priority of services are given to those with greatest economic and social need.
The AAAD’s Options Counselors:
- Conduct an in-home assessment to determine the need for services
- Develop an Action Plan with the client to determine current supports in place and unmet needs
- Arrange for the delivery of services either through an outside provider agency contracted by the AAAD or through the self-directed care option
- Provide on-going service coordination and re-assessments
Options for Community Living
Provides eligible individuals age 18 and over with chore assistance, grocery assistance and personal emergency response system (PERS), home-delivered meals, homemaker and personal care services.
Options for Community Living
Provides eligible individuals age 18 and over with chore assistance, grocery assistance and personal emergency response system (PERS), home-delivered meals, homemaker and personal care services.
Alzheimer’s Disease Respite Program
Provides respite care for individuals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or other related dementia.