Adult Abuse Coalition

The Upper Cumberland Adult Abuse Coalition (UCAAC) was formed in 2005, as outreach of the AAAD. UCAAC exists to prevent abuse, including neglect and exploitation to at risk adults, through networking, community resource development, awareness and education. Meetings are held every other month.

Membership consist of agencies that work with at risk adults in the Upper Cumberland, such as: AAAD, APS, metal health, home health, hospice, etc.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the UCAAC? Please download and complete the UCAAC Membership Application form.

Completed applications should be submitted to:

Loni Holloway Hitchcock, UCDD/AAAD

1104 England Drive, Cookeville, TN 38501 or Fax: 931-432-8112

Download Membership Application

Julia Essex, Quality Home Health: Co-Chair

Sara Martin, UCDD/AAAD: Co-Chair

Loni Holloway, UCDD/AAAD: Treasurer

Natasha Moseley, Adult Protective Services: Facilitator

View the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office for Older Americans report titled, “Fighting elder Financial Exploitation through Community Networks” here.